IP Multicast Stub Routing in AOS Glossary
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Multicast: A transmission sent to a specific set of receivers.
Multicast Routing: The ability to determine the proper loop-free paths on which to forward multicast
packets such that all subscribing listeners receive the stream without wasting network resources.
PIM: Protocol Independent Multicast. A multicast routing protocol that uses the unicast routing table with
no concern of how the routing table is populated.
Source: A device that originates multicast packets to be received by one or more receivers.
Stream: The flow of information being sent by a multicast source to a specific group of receivers. For
certain content types (e.g., audio, video, etc. ) the stream may be a constant flow. For other content types
(e.g., data, software updates, etc.) the flow may be sporadic.
Stub Network: A network portion that has a single connection to the remainder of the network.
Unicast: A transmission sent to a specific receiver.
Upstream: With regard to IP multicast stub routing (IGMP forwarding), the router interface that connects
to the multicast-enabled network.