Chapter 3: Testing Performance
To test the time interval accuracy
To test the time interval accuracy
Testing the time interval accuracy does not check a specification, but does check
the following:
• 125 MHz oscillator
This test verifies that the 125 MHz timing acquisition synchronizing oscillator is
operating within limits.
Equipment Required
Set up the equipment
1 Set up the logic analyzer:
a If you have not already done so, do the procedure “To set up the test
equipment and the logic analyzer” on page 23.
b Exit and restart the Agilent Logic Analyzer applications to reinitialize
the logic analyzer.
2 Set up the pulse generator according to the following table.
Pulse Generator Setup
Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part
Pulse Generator 200 MHz 2.5 ns pulse width, < 600 ps rise time 8133A option 003
Function Generator
Accuracy≤ (5)(10
x frequency
SMA Cable 8120-4948
Adapter BNC(m)-SMA(f) 1250-2015
BNC Test Connector, 6x2
Timebase Channel 1 Trigger
Mode: Ext Mode: Square Divide: Divide ÷ 1
Delay: 0.000 ns Ampl: 0.50 V
High: -0.90 V Ampl: 0.50 V
Low: -1.70 V Offs: 0.00V
COMP: Disabled (LED off)