Front Panel Menus - Additions
The Power Analyzer input uses the same front panel menu commands that are used to measure the Main
Output of the ac source. These are documented in the ac source User’s Guide. The following menu
commands have been added to let you access the Power Analyzer input, control the output frequency
modulation, and calibrate the Power Analyzer input. In most cases you will need to press the
Function key multiple times to access the menu item. Press the Entry key to access the parameter.
115V 60 Hz
120V 60 Hz
Displays the Main Output measurement when φ1 is selected
Displays the Power Analyzer measurement when φ2 is selected
FM OFF Enable or disable output frequency modulation (OFF or ON)
FM:FREQ 50 Specifies the modulating frequency of the output
FM:DEV 10 Specifies the peak deviation of the output frequency modulation
FREQ:SRC VOLT Specifies the frequency input source (VOLT or CURR)
CAL:CURR: EXT Begin external current calibration
CAL:VOLT: EXT Begin external voltage calibration
SHUNT Enter a value for the external shunt in ohms
NOTE: With no signal connected to the Power Analyzer input, the φ2 front panel display may
return a very high frequency value. This is normal, since there is no external frequency
for the measurement circuit to detect.
SCPI Programming Commands - Additions
The Power Analyzer input uses the same measurement commands that are used to measure the Main
Output of the ac source. These are documented in the ac source User’s Guide. The following SCPI
commands have been added to let you access the Power Analyzer input, control the output frequency
modulation, and calibrate the Power Analyzer input. Additional measurement functions let you measure
transfer time, peak voltage, and phase locked loop performance when evaluating devices such as
uninterruptible power supplies.
CALibrate MEASure | FETCh
:CURRent :VOLTage
:EXTernal :RANKed? <percentile>
:VOLTage :TVOLt? <level><occurrence>
:EXTernal :ABSolute? <level><start_time><min_pulse_width>
:STATe <bool> :NSELect 1 | 2
:DEViation <value> :FREQuency:SOURce VOLT | CURR
:FREQuency <value>