The Test Set’s Features
Screens that are Standard to the Test Set
•RX Test − receiver test screen with RF and audio output controls and
receiver measurement results.
•TX Test − transmitter test screen with RF and audio input/output controls
and transmitter measurement results.
•Duplex Test − transmitter and receiver simultaneous test screen with RF
and audio input/output controls and transmitter and receiver measurement
•Tests − access to creation, editing, copying, and execution of automated test
programs loaded from Memory Cards, internal ROM/RAM, or an external
disk drive.
• RF Generator − used to control and display the RF and modulation signals.
•RF Analyzer − used to process and display RF signal measurements.
•AF Analyzer − used to process and display audio signal measurements.
• Oscilloscope − used to display the oscilloscope measurement function, with
vertical, time, trigger, and marker controls.
• Configure − used to control the various functions including date, screen
intensity, various RF controls, etc.
• I/OConfigure − used to control the various functions including HP-IB,
serial parameter, etc.
• Print Configure − used to setup a printer.
• Adjacent Channel Power − used to control measuring power of signals at a
specific channel spacing above and below the RF Analyzer’s center