Note: If there is a problem you can try pointing your browser to the IP address of the station and attempt to log in. See the
Troubleshooting the Network section for additional details.
To test your system after all devices have successfully been uploaded to, press the call button on each door and see if the correct master
rings. Answer the call by lifting the handset or pressing the PTT button. End the call and then attempt to direct dial the door station by
dialing its Station Number. You may also direct dial other masters.
To set up paging switch to the Paging tab and select the
stations you’d like to be in Zone 1, Zone 2, and so on by
adding check marks next to those stations. A paging zone
can be equipment like a Door station or Master station, a
Paging amp, or a combination of them. Any master may
initiate a page by pressing the Paging key then the zone #.
Paging is used when you want to make a one-way
announcement to one or more stations and / or paging
amps and is preceded by an announcement tone.
Uploading and Testing
You now have enough to use the basic functions of the
system but before you go any further, please take a
moment and double check the following things. If you skip
this step you may have to factory reset each piece of
hardware and start all over from scratch.
Save the settings file in a secure, known location on
your computer (the default location is inside the AN
program folder). DO NOT LOSE THE SYSTEM NAME
2. Disable any unused network connections your
computer may have. If your computer is connected
to the network your AN devices are on through its
LAN connection, disable or turn off any Wireless card
and any secondary LAN port.
3. Set your computer’s IP address to be on the same
subnet and ping each device (using the /COMMAND
line window) to ensure it still has an active
connection to the network. Move each device as
close to its power source as possible, or use a PoE
switch. The IP doors and masters are very sensitive
to their distance away from their voltage source, so
minimize it.
4. Upload the settings to all devices on your local
subnet, be sure to type in the CORRECT system
name and password at this prompt. If you get
multiple prompts, it is probably because you
manually entered the IP addresses instead of
importing them from Unit Scan.
WARNING: If you type in a different User Name and
Passwords for each device on your system or if you
accidentally hit OK with the system name as AN-8000 and
default password “guest”, they will no longer be on the
same system and will NEVER be able to communicate with
each other and may need a reset at the factory.
Figure 8: Paging, see page 192 of the AN-8000 guide.
Figure 9: Save, page 197.
Figure 10: Uploading, page 197.