Welcome To TalkMaster
Welcome To TalkMaster™ LE!
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of TalkMaster™, please review the Release Notes.
To setup and configure your IP-series intercoms, please review Configure Intercoms.
If you would like help on using TalkMaster, please review TalkMaster Overview.
Release Notes
TalkMaster™ Version 1.92 Released February, 2007
TalkMaster™ version 1.92 contains the following enhancements and corrections:
• Intercoms can now be forwarded to an alternate console at scheduled times
• An alternate set of Talk/Listen buttons can be selected in Preferences
• On new installations of TalkMaster LE, the Preference "Hold down Talk button while
speaking (PTT)" is now set as the default
• Corrected an intermittent problem with the Intercom Search in the Intercom Configuration
TalkMaster™ Version 1.9 Released October, 2006
TalkMaster™ version 1.9 contains the following enhancements and corrections:
• Microphone audio is sent to the Intercom using uLaw to improve the audio quality
• TalkMaster will now talk over an intercom if the Intercom’s PTT button is being pressed *
• Added support for the Intercom Call Button feature. Use of this feature changes the PTT
button to a Call-only button and prevents audio from being recorded in the Calls Waiting
Queue *
• Updated the Intercom Configuration Tool to include new Intercom options, GPIO4 settings
and Server Intercom settings
• Corrected the automatic response "Your call is being connected". Inconsistent operation if
TalkMaster had been active for over 24 hours
• Increased the amount of time TalkMaster waits for TCP/IP packets before ending an active
conversation to account for switching between wireless access points
• Corrected TalkMaster install to always install TABCTL32.ocx
* Use of this feature requires current Intercom Firmware. Please refer to our website
(http://www.aiphone.com) for information on the current Firmware.