4 Charging
• Rechargeable batteries (those included or those you may buy later) are deli-
vered uncharged or partially charged. Therefore, you will need to charge each
new battery before using it.
Each charging slot features a tricolor STATUS LED that indicates the current operating sta-
tus of the respective charging slot (">…<" marks an LED flashing in the respective color):
1. Check that a rechargeable battery is inside the transmitter battery compartment.
Do not try to charge a dry battery.
If there is no battery inside the battery compartment, do not place the transmitter in a
charging slot before you inserted a rechargeable battery into the transmitter.
2. Make sure to switch the transmitter OFF before placing it in a charging slot.
This is the only way to guarantee optimum charging.
3. Insert the transmitter into the charging slot so that the display on the transmitter faces
the LEDs on the charger. The charger will automatically power the transmitter via the
charging contacts.
4. Never switch the transmitter ON during the charging cycle. This may cause the
charger to falsely indicate a completed charging cycle before charging is actu-
ally completed.
If the transmitter has been switched ON by accident during the charging cycle,
1. Remove the transmitter from the charger.
2. Switch the transmitter OFF.
3. Insert the transmitter into the charger.
The charging cycle will start automatically as soon as you insert a transmitter with a
rechargeable battery into the charger.
16 CU 400
--- The charger is ready to operate, no transmitter is inserted
in the charging slot.
orange The battery inside the inserted transmitter is being checked.
red The battery is being charged.
green The battery is fully charged; the charging cycle is com-
>red< Error.
Refer to fig. 2.
Charging Cycle
Table 2: Charging cycle
orange The voltage and temperature of the battery are being
red The battery is being charged.
Charging time is approx. 1.5 hours for a completely dis-
charged battery and proportionately less for a partially
discharged battery.
Charging two batteries simultaneously will extend the
charging time to 3 to 4 hours.
The battery is fully charged; the charging cycle is com-
pleted. The charger has switched to trickle charging mode.
You may remove the transmitter from the charger.
Due to the charging process, the battery may heat up to
+60°C. This is normal.
CU_400_Hex_D030928 12/09/2009 17:59 Seite 16 (Schwarz/Black Auszug)