Checking for proper fi ll level
Fill the Tenderfl o with as little water as possible, as previously described. After all the caps are tightly in place, check
Position the patient on the overlay with heels at end of mattress and head on pillow.
Overlay: Position the patient on the overlay with heels at end of mattress and head on pillow. Overlay:
Position patient on the cushion.
Place your hand (palm up) under the Tenderfl o beneath the patient’s buttocks. ere should be approximately one
to two inches between these two surfaces. e Tenderfl o should contour to the patient’s body and not appear hard
Air bubbles can impair the softness of the Tenderfl o. To remove this trapped air:
1. Draw a broomstick or rigid rod slowly across the top of the Tenderfl o toward the fi ll valve.
2. Lift the bottom of the Tenderfl o slightly to let excess air escape through the small air valve. You may have to
squeeze the bottom of the air safety valve.
To retain optimal heat, cover the Tenderfl o overlay with a blanket and plastic drawsheet.
1. To drain the Tenderfl o, place the fi ll valve in the raised position and open it as shown on the previous page.
2. Insert the female end of the garden hose into the fi ll valve.
3. Locate a drain at a point lower than the Tenderfl o, then gently press down on Tenderfl o to start fl ow.
4. After draining, thoroughly rinse the interior of the Tenderfl o several times with water. Allow to dry.
Note: is is a single-use product; do not reuse.
You may clean the Tenderfl o with any non-petroleum-based antibacterial cleaner. Do not autoclave. e Tenderfl o
In the event of a puncture, you can repair the Tenderfl o immediately while it is still fi lled:
1. Remove the patient from the Tenderfl o and locate the hole.
2. Dry the area with a towel.
3. Push one drop of glue into the hole from the enclosed repair kit.
4. Allow the glue to dry for ten minutes before using Tenderfl o.
For larger cuts, use the glue and the patch kit.
Graham-Field Health Products
2935 Northeast Parkway, Atlanta, Georgia 30360
telephone: 800-347-5678, 770-447-1609
fax: 8o00-726-0601, 678-291-3232
http://www.grahamfi eld.com