for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 (ARM11/Cortex-A8) User Manual 27
© Copyright 1997-2007 by ABATRON AG Switzerland V 1.04
3.2.2 Part [TARGET]
The part [TARGET] defines some target specific values.
CPUTYPE type This value gives the BDI information about the connected CPU.
type The CPU type from the following list:
ARM1136, CORTEX-A8, OMAP3430
Example: CPUTYPE ARM1136
CLOCK main [init] [SLOW]With this value(s) you can select the JTAG clock rate the BDI2000 uses
when communication with the target CPU. The "main" entry is used after
processing the initialization list. The "init" value is used after target reset
until the initialization list is processed. If there is no "init" value defined, the
"main" value is used all the times.
Adaptive clocking is only supported with BDI2000 Rev.B/C and needs a
special target connector cable. Add also SLOW if the CPU clock frequency
may fall below 6 MHz during adaptive clocking.
main,init: 0 = Adaptive
1 = 16 MHz 6 = 200 kHz
2 = 8 MHz 7 = 100 kHz
3 = 4 MHz 8 = 50 kHz
4 = 1 MHz 9 = 20 kHz
5 = 500 kHz 10 = 10 kHz
Example: CLOCK 1 ; JTAG clock is 16 MHz
RESET type [time] Normally the BDI drives the reset line during startup. If reset type is NONE
or SOFT, the BDI does not assert a hardware reset during startup. If reset
type SOFT is supported depends on the connected target.
type NONE
SOFT (soft reset via a debug register)
HARD (default)
time The time in milliseconds the BDI assert the reset signal.
Example: RESET NONE ; no reset during startup
RESET SOFT ; reset ARM core via RCSR
RESET HARD 1000 ; assert RESET for 1 second
TRST type Normally the BDI uses an open drain driver for the TRST signal. This is in
accordance with the ARM recommendation. For boards where TRST is
simply pulled low with a weak resistor, TRST will always be asserted and
JTAG debugging is impossible. In that case, the TRST driver type can be
changed to push-pull. Then the BDI actively drives also high level.
type OPENDRAIN (default)
Example: TRST PUSHPULL ; Drive TRST also high