The system will automatically bypass any
sensor input which is defective six seconds
after the system is armed (except for door
which has a 45 second delay). If a sensor is
bypassed, the system will give three warning
chirps to indicate the bypassed status. The
system will ignore that sensor until it
becomes active again. Once that sensor
becomes active, the system will then monitor
all working sensors.
When the Auto Lock feature is turned on, the
system will lock the doors 10 seconds after
the ignition is turned on unless (1) the ignition
is turned on with the door opened, or (2) the
doors are opened before the 10 second time
period has elapsed.
In addition, if the Auto Unlock feature is
turned on, the system will unlock the doors
when the ignition is turned off.
The Mode in which the system is armed
using the Remote Control Transmitter.
The mode in which the siren is intentionally
activated. Useful when you want to attract
attention in case of an emergency.
The mode where all sensors are defeated
except for the hood/trunk sensor. This mode
is turned on through the remote control.
The mode which requires that two sensors
(impact and radar sensors) be activated in
order to trigger full alarm mode. If a door or
hood/trunk is activated, the security system
will instantly trigger full alarm mode regard-
less of the Scan Mode Setting.
Faulty Sensor Bypass:
Dérivation de détecteur défectueux:
Desvío de sensor defectuoso:
Ignition Controlled Door Lock/Unlock:
Verrouillage/Déverrouillage des portes
commandé par l’allumage:
Bloqueo/Liberación de las puertas
controlado por el arranque:
Manual Arming:
Activation manuelle:
Armado manual:
Protected Valet:
Valet protégé:
Valet protegido:
Scan Mode:
Mode de balayage:
Modo de exploración: