Uploading a Cable List
After custom cable list has been created in Site Master Software Tools it can upload it to
the Site Master. The serial communication null modem cable must be connected from the
Site Master to the PC.
In the Cable Editor, select
Tools and Upload Cable List. The software will confirm the up
load with a message " Upload Complete" when the operation is finished.
Querying the Site Master Cable List
Query Cable List allows the user to check and review the contents of the custom cable list
in the Site Master.
In the Cable Editor, select
Tools and Query Cable List. The software will download the ca
ble list from the Site Master to the PC.
Entering Antenna Factors
The antenna factor is a parameter of an antenna that is used in the calculation of field
strength during radiated emissions measurement. It relates the voltage output of the mea
surement antenna to the value of the incident field producing that voltage. The units are
volts output per volt/meter incident field or reciprocal meters. Antennas used for radiated
emissions testing are individually calibrated (the antenna factor is directly measured) at all
appropriate distances. The calibrations produce values that are defined as the “equivalent
free space antenna factor.” The calibration procedure corrects for the presence of the re-
flection of the antenna in the ground plane, giving the value that would be measured if the
antenna were in “free space.”
Step 1. Once the Site Master Software Tools has been opened, select Antenna Editor
from the Tools menu on the tool bar. A pop-up box will appear on the screen of
the PC.
Step 2. Click on “Edit Antenna” to enter an antenna name, description, frequencies, and
antenna factors. Enter the frequencies in ascending order, starting with lowest
frequency first. A maximum of 60 antenna factors may be entered. Use the ar
row keys on the keyboard to move between entries.
NOTES: Only one input of frequency and antenna factor is allowed per row.
Multiple antenna factors for a single antenna must be entered individually. For
example, an antenna having an antenna factor of 5 from 2.0 to 2.25 GHz and
an antenna factor of 4 from 2.25 to 2.5 GHz should be entered as follows:
If necessary, an antenna factor of zero (0) may be entered.
Step 3. Select Save from the File menu to save the antenna factors to the hard disk.
Chapter 7 Software Tools Program
Frequency (MHz) Antenna Factor
2000 5
2251 4
2500 4