Installation and Service Manual Upsilon-Series
Set time
we 10:17
9.3 Commissioning
Turn the electrical supply on (heating system does not have to be lled);
During start-up, a blue screen is displayed:
NC Power Up (= start-up screen)
Please wait (under certain circumstances)
Then you see: Address (= allocation of boiler address)
In the case of a cascade installation: Select the correct address and press OK
Select for the rst boiler 01 (=Master), for the next 02, 03 etc (=Slave)
The address can be changed by pushing the + button (increase value) and the – button
(decrease value). Once the + or – buttons has been pushed, the value starts ashing.
In the case of a single boiler: Conrm address 01 by OK
The display shows: Time Set (= setting actual time)
Setting time and day is only required on the Master-boiler. The Slave-boiler will take the
time and day settings automatically.
First set the hours using + and -.
Press the "right arrow” button to move to the minutes.
Set the minutes using + and -.
Conrm by OK
The display shows: DD-MM-YY (= setting actual date)
Change the settings using the + and – button. Jump from DD to MM and YY using the
arrow button.
After conrmation by OK and after the automatic de-aeration programm has ended,
you will see the standard read-out “Good” showing the date and the time after the de-
aerating program.
Standard read-out: Good
we 10:17
Good indicates that the boiler operates normally (burner on or off)
wo 10:17 indicates the actual day and time.
Following a restart (after loss of power):
Following a brief loss of power, the control will start-up as described above, but all set-
tings are retained.
In the case of a loss of power lasting more than 2 hours the time and date has to be
setted again. All other settings are retained.
If the water pressure is below 1.0 bar, the screen will show: FILL. Please refer to the
chapter Filling CH-system.
-- NC --
Power Up