18 Instruction Manual BFC
3.3.1 Humidity and ambient temperature
The boiler room must be frost-free, or be protected against frost. Table 3.1
shows the environmental conditions that must be adhered to, for correct
functioning of the electronics present in the appliance to be guaranteed.
3.3.2 Maximum floor loading
In connection with the appliance’s weight, take account of the maximum floor
loading, see Ta ble 3.2.
3.3.3 Water composition
The appliance is intended for heating drinking water. The drinking water must
comply with the regulations governing drinking water for human consumption.
Table 3.3 shows these requirements.
n Remark
If the water specifications deviate from those stated in Table 3.3, then the
tank protection cannot be guaranteed.
See also chapter ’13 Warranty (Certificate)’.
3.3.4 Working clearances
For access to the appliance it is recommended that the following clearances
are observed (see Figure 3.2):
• AA: around the appliance’s control column and cleaning openings: 100 cm.
• BB: around the appliance itself: 50 cm.
• Above the appliance (room to replace the anodes):
- 100 cm if using fixed anodes, or
- 50 cm if using flexible anodes.
Table 3.1 Humidity and ambient temperature specifications
Humidity and ambient temperature
Humidity max. 93% RH at +25°C
Ambient temperature Functional: 0 ≤ t ≤ 60°C
Table 3.2 Weight specifications related to maximum floor loading
Weight of the appliance filled with water
BFC 28 392 kg
BFC 30, BFC 50, BFC 60 593 kg
Table 3.3 Water specifications
Water composition
(alkaline earth ions)
> 1.00 mmol/l:
• German hardness >5.6° dH
• French hardness > 10.0° fH
• British hardness > 7.0° eH
Conductivity > 125 µS/cm
Acidity (pH value) 7.0 < pH value < 9.5