CCB - Three position Dipswitch (Flame Control Section):
This dipswitch is similar to the FCB dipswitches described below, but with only three switches being used: the number of blower
speeds (switch #3), Hi Gas option (switch #2) and a spare (switch #1). Only the blower speed selection and Hi Gas are required
because FCB1 always has a blower, igniter, flame checking, and the address is always stage 1.
FCB - Eight position Dipswitch:
Switch 1: Spare:
Switch 2: Hi Gas: On = Yes Off = No
Switch 3: Number of Blower Speeds: On = 1 speed, Off = 2 speed
Switch 4: Igniter used: On = Yes, Off = No
Switch 5*: Blower used: On = Yes, Off = No
Switch 6: Flame Checked: On = Yes, Off = No
Switch 7 & 8. Stage selection: 7 8 Stage #
Off Off Not allowed
On Off 2
*When switch 5 is in off (no blower) position, switch 3 (blower speeds) is ignored.
Example of Dip Switch configuration:
No High Gas, 1 blower speed, no igniter, no blower,
flame not checked, Stage 2.
CCB/FCB Dip Switches:
Dipswitch configurations are READ ONLY ON POWER UP. These switches are only to be set at the factory or by authorized trained
personnel only! Once set at installation they generally remain that way for the duration of the life of the product. If a switch is
changed, power must be cycled before the change will take effect. The status of all dipswitches can be observed on the system
status screen on the UIM.CCB - Ten Position Dipswitch (Central Control Section):
Water Heaters Boilers
Switch 1: Selection of the type of boiler application: On = GB/LB Off = GW/LW
Switch 2: Trials for ignition: On = 3 Off = 1
Switch 3: IRI Gas Valve Option: On = IRI Off = No IRI
Switch 4: Controlling Probe: On = Tank Off = Inlet
Switch 5: Powered Vent: On = Yes Off = No
Switch 6: Low Water Cut Off: On = Yes Off = No
Switch 7: Low Gas On = Yes Off = No
Switch 8: Spare:
Switch 9 & 10. Number stages (FCB's): 9 10 #stages
Off On = 2
NOTE: If the unit power up with the number of stages selected by dip switches exceeding the number of FCBs, the CCB will detect
this condition and go into a hard lockout. After changing the dip switches to the correct number of stages, the power must be cycled
off and on to accept the change.
Example of Dip Switch configuration:
GW model, 1 ignition trial, No IRI, Inlet control, No Power Vent, No LWCO,
No Low Gas, 2 stage.