
1.1 Description of the
Construction of the water heater is in
accordance with the European
standard for gas heated water storage
heaters for sanitary application (EN89).
The appliance thus meets the European
Directory for Gas Appliances and is
therefore entitled to carry the CE-
marking. It is an open flued appliance
without ventilator and with a flue gas
down draught safeguard, a Thermal
Reflux Safeguard (TRS) (category
). The water heater is suitable for a
maximum working pressure of 8 bar.
The water heater tank is manufactured
from low carbon sheet steel and is
glasslined on the inside. In addition the
tank is fitted with a magenesium anode
as extra protection against corrosion. A
thick, CFC-free, PU insulation layer
covered in a steel jacket reduces
unnecessary heat loss. When the
appliance is filled with water it
continuously is under water pressure.
As hot water is drained from the tank,
cold water is added immediately. A flue
baffle has been placed in the flue tube
to improve heat tranfer. The flue gasses
pass their heat on to the water by
means of radiation and convection. The
exhaust of the flue gasses is realized
by natural thermal draught (see figur 1).
Dead legs on a hot water installation are
undesireable. Where possible they
should be avoided. When the inclusion
on the system of a dead leg is
unavoidable the following restrictions
should be applied:
- for pipes not eceeding 19 mm. inside
diameter; maximum length of dead leg
permitted 12 metres;
- for pipes exceeding19 mm. but not
exceeding 25 mm. inside diameter;
maximum lenght of dead leg 7,5
- for pipes with an inside diameter
exceeding 25 mm. maximum length of
dead leg 3 metres.