3.2 Fault overview
Gas smell If you smell gas you should immediately
close the main gas tap, you should not
fight any fire or switch on light. electrical
switches or bels. Open windows and
immediately contact your installer or the
local gas company
Heater is Burner automat is in lock Reset burner automat with the RESET
off or condition button on the top of the collumn
does not
ignit Blocked chimney Contact your installer to investigate the
cause and rectify it
Overheat thermostat is Check control thermostat set at 60 °C.
engaged Allow the water to cooldown (open taps).
Puts the RESET button at the panel. The
heater should now operate. If it does not
contact your installer.
Gas supply shut off Open the inlet gas valve
Insufficient Temperature set too low Set water temperature to higher valvue
hot water, (60 °C recommended)
or none
at all Thermal Reflux Safeguard After resetting the TRS activate the heater.
has shut down the heater If this occurs regularly, call your installer
Overheat thermostat is Allow the water to cool down (opentaps).
engaged Puth the RESET button at the panel.
Supply of hot water exhausted Reduce hot water use. Give the heater
time to heat the water
Unindentifiable cause Switch off the elactricity to the heater, close
the inlet gas valve and call your installer
Explosive Wrong inlet gas pressure and/or Set the correct inlet pressure and/or burner
ignition burner pressure pressure
Dirty injectors Clean injectors
Poor flame Wrong inlet pressure and/or Set the correct inlet pressure and/or burner
image burner pressure pressure
Water Condensation of (flue) gasses See chapter “Condensation”
Leakage from other water If possible trace the cause and/or call your
heater or pipes in the vicinity installer
Failure Possible Cause Corrective Action