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or improvements at any time without notice.
© A. O. Smith Corp., 2004
A. O. Smith
Water Products Company
Ashland City, TN
A Division of A. O. Smith Corporation
A. O. Smith Water Products Company, Inc.
On Line www.aosmithwaterheaters.com
For Technical Information and
Automated Fax Service
Phone: 800-527-1953
Water heater(s) shall be Model______________as manufactured by A.O. Smith or equal. Water heater(s) shall be of glass-lined design and include a
powered gas burner, redundant main gas valves, gas pressure regulator and flame inspection port. Heater(s) shall have an input rating of ______and a
recovery rating of_________GPH at a temperature rise of 100°F with a maximum storage capacity of 85 gallons. Heater(s) shall be equipped with 1-1/2"
NPT water inlet and outlet openings and a boiler-type handhole cleanout. Heater(s), for barometric venting and under UL795 for sidewall/direct venting,
shall be constructed and stamped in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and be so marked for a maximum working pressure of 160
psi. Heaters shall include a high temperature limit control, dual bulb thermostat for accurate temperature control and anti-stacking compensation and a
factory installed A.G.A. rated temperature and pressure relief valve. Heater(s) shall be equipped with multiple anodes for corrosion protection, insulated
with polyurethane foam, and meet ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1999 requirements for thermal efficiency and standby loss, and meet SCAQMD R1146.2 low NOx
requirements. Heater(s) shall have a minimum thermal efficiency 80%. The outer jacket shall have a baked enamel finish over a bonderized undercoat. All
internal surfaces of the heater(s) exposed to water shall be glass-lined with an alkaline borosilicate, nickelous oxide composition that has been fused to
steel by firing at a temperature range of 1,400°F. Heater(s) tank shall have a 3 year limited warranty against corrosion as outlined in the written warranty.
BTP heater(s) shall be factory supplied with a Barometric Draft Regulator for conventional atmospheric venting using conventional venting materials.
BTPV heater(s) shall be supplied with an optional vent kit allowing for horizontal sidewall venting or direct venting.
Burner(s) shall be of the premix with internal FGR & thermal cutoff design. Design shall include a separate spark pilot ignition system. In addition,
burner(s) shall have an integral blocked flue sensor, glass view port, main gas regulator, automatic gas valve, manual test cock and manual gas shutoff
valve. Burner(s) must be factory installed, tested and started by an A. O. Smith Authorized BTP start-up agent before placing the unit(s) into operation.
Gas Approx.
Models A B C D** E*** F G H I Conn. Ship. Wt.
80 3/4 73 32 1/4 9 6 26 1/2 93 29 1/2 48 1/2 1* 950
2,051 1,854 819 229 152 673 2,362 749 1,232 25.4 431 kg
80 3/4 73 32 1/4 9 8 26 1/2 93 29 1/2 48 1/2 1* 950
2,051 1,854 819 229 203 673 2,362 749 1,232 25.4 431 kg
80 3/4 73 32 1/4 9 8 26 1/2 93 29 1/2 48 1/2 1* 950
2,051 1,854 819 229 203 673 2,362 749 1,232 25.4 431 kg
* Minimum gas supply pipe is 1 1/4”, reference Manual, Table 7 for gas supply pipe size.
** D dimension is for atmospheric vent size.
*** E dimension is for direct and side-wall vent size.