Instruction manual SGS 21
3.3.4 Appliance working clearances
For access to the appliance, it is recommended that the following clearances
are observed:
• AA: around the appliance's control column and cleaning openings: 100 cm.
• BB: all sides of the appliance: 50 cm
• Above the appliance (room to replace the anodes):
- 100 cm if using rigid anode(s), or
- 50 cm if using flexible anode(s).
If the available clearance is less than 100 cm, flexible magnesium anodes
can be ordered.
When installing the appliance, be aware that any leakage may cause
damage to the immediate environment or floors below the level of the boiler
room. If this is the case, then the appliance should be installed above a
wastewater drain or in a suitable metal leak tray.
3.3.5 Storage tank working clearances
For access to the storage tank, it is recommended that the following
clearances are observed:
• All sides of the storage tank: 50 cm.
• Above the storage tank (room to replace the anodes): 100 cm.
When installing the storage tank, be aware that any leakage can cause
damage to the immediate environment or floors below the level of the boiler
room. If this is the case, then the appliance should be installed above a
wastewater drain or in a suitable metal leak tray.
Working clearances
IMD-0227 R2