26 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Specifi cation of concentric roof fl ue terminal C33
3.9.4 Parallel connections
The table gives the maximum pipe length for parallel systems. The maximum
pipe length depends on the selected diameter.
Mount fl ue gas discharge material with a fall of 5 mm per metre towards
the device.
Requirements for fl ue gas discharge for parallel systems
Use the longest pipe for calculating the pipe length. If, for example, the fl ue gas
discharge pipe is 10 metres and the air supply pipe is 15 metres, use the 15
metres for calculating the length. Then add the Lequivalent to these 15 metres
for each 90° and 45° bend in both the air supply and the fl ue gas discharge. All
this will be explained using a practical example.
Practical example of parallel fl ue gas discharge
The fi gure shows a TWI 35-130. The device is to be provided with a 25 m
parallel pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and eight 90° bends. An inspection
shall be carried out for compliance of the confi guration with the requirements
stated in the table.
Subject Description
Roof fl ue terminal set:- 1x Roof fl ue
terminal (incl. clamping strip)
- 1x Pipe 1000 mm
- 1x Mounting fl ange
Item no.: TWI 35-130: 0305 042
TWI 45-190: 0305 042
Construction: Concentrique
Manufacturer: Muelink & Grol
Type : M2000 DDV HR-C
Piping material Construction : Concentrique
Flue gas discharge: Thick-walled aluminium with lip-ring sealing
Air supply: Thin-wall galvanised sheet steel
Pipe diameters Flue gas discharge: TWI 35-130: Ø 80 mm
TWI 45-190: Ø 80 mm
Air supply: TWI 35-130: Ø 125 mm
TWI 45-190:Ø 125 mm
(1) It is not allowed to use any other roof fl ue terminal. You can order the roof fl ue terminal mentioning the item
number with A.O. Smith, manufacturer or wholesaler’s.
Device Diameter
Maximum running length L
90° bend
45° bend
TWI 35-130 80 30 3,9 1,1
TWI 45-190 80 20 3,9 1,1
TWI 35-130 100 100 4,6 1,2
TWI 45-190 100 75 4,6 1,2
(1) The given larger diameter can be used if the maximum running length is insuffi cient. When using a larger
diameter, this shall be used for both the air supply and the fl ue gas discharge.