Listed Parts Kits and Illustrations
Item 12:
Item 13:
Item 14:
Item 15:
Item 16:
Item 17:
Item 18:
Item 19:
Item 20:
Item 21:
Item 22:
Pilot/Pilot Tube Assembly kit, which contains the pilot assembly, thermocouple, igniter electrode and retainer clip
(Natural Gas)
Pilot/Pilot Tube Assembly kit, which contains the pilot assembly, thermocouple, igniter electrode and retainer clip
(L.R Gas)
Burner (Natural Gas/Low Nox)
Burner (L.R Gas)
Manifold door assembly which contains the manifold tube, gasket, door, pilot tube, thermocouple, two piece
wire connector with retainer clip, thermal switch, and pilot assembly. (Natural Gas/Low Nox)
Manifold door assembly which contains the manifold tube, gasket, door, pilot tube, thermocouple, two piece
wire connector with retainer clip, thermal switch, and pilot assembly. (L.P. Gas)
Contains two piece wire connector and retainer clip
Contains manifold door gasket
Contains view port
Contains piezoelectric igniter button
Contains thermocouple
Item # 12 Item # 14
Item #13
I Item # 1_
Item # 17
Item # 16
Item # 18
Item # 19 Item # 20
Item # 22
Item # 21