Wire Harness: Installation 1
Preliminary Information
The Battery Management System for high voltage applications connects
to one of the following:
• A single APC Silcon UPS with pairs of strings.
• A single non-APC UPS with single strings.
The system provides battery management for nominal 2 V, 6 V, 8 V, or
12 V lead-acid batteries; or 1.2 V nickel-cadmium batteries. A system is
comprised of at least one AP9921X master unit and up to five
AP9921XS expansion units. Each unit supports up to 64 batteries.
Silcon versus non-Silcon
This manual covers the installation of two types of systems:
• An installation for an APC Silcon battery cabinet
• An installation using 5-, 50-, or 100-foot wire harnesses, to be cut
at installation to match your battery configuration
The majority of the procedures in this manual are used for both system
installations. Disregard Silcon-specific instructions (i.e., midpoint and
fuse bus connections) if you are installing a generic harness to fit your
battery cabinet or rack that is not for an APC Silcon UPS.
See also
For more information on the features and capabilities of the
Battery Management System, see the initial sections of the
User’s Guide, which is available on the Utility CD supplied
with the Battery Management System.
Do not turn on the power to the unit until the wire harnesses
are connected and the DIP switches are configured.