Battery Management System
3. Run a terminal program (such as HyperTerminal), and configure the
selected port for 9600 bps (or 19200 bps), 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop
bit, and no flow control, and save the changes.
4. Press
ENTER to display the User Name prompt.
5. Enter your Administrator user name and password. The default for
both is apc.
6. Start an XMODEM transfer:
a. Select option 3—System
b. Select option 4—File Transfer
c. Select option 2—
d. Type Yes at the prompt to continue with the transfer.
7. Select the appropriate baud rate. A higher baud rate causes faster
firmware upgrades. Also, change the terminal program’s baud rate to
match the one you selected, and press
8. From the terminal program’s menu, select the binary AOS file to
transfer via XMODEM-CRC. After the XMODEM transfer is complete,
set the baud rate to 9600. The Management Card will automatically
9. Repeat step 3 through step 8 to install the application module. In step
8, substitute the application module file name for the AOS module file
For information about the format used for application modules,
see Firmware files (Battery Management System).