Thank you for choosing the APC SurgeArrest
PM3 or PM4 Series Surge Protection Device.
The APC modular Surge Protection Device (SPD) is a high-quality, high-energy surge attenuation system
that has been designed to protect sensitive equipment from damaging transient voltage surges. Proper
installation is imperative to maximize the surge suppressor’s effectiveness and performance.
This manual is to be used as a guide for installing the device. Read and understand all information
contained in this manual prior to installation. The outlined procedures are not intended to supersede local or
national electrical codes. Check all applicable electrical codes to assure compliance.
This device must be installed by a licensed electrician. The electrician should follow the steps detailed in
this manual to ensure proper installation. A copy of the installer’s invoice, detailing the installation of
this device, is required in order to take advantage of the unit’s product warranty.
The SurgeArrest® PM3 and PM4 Series modular product lines specify a parallel SPD designed for service
entrance and downstream panelboard applications. These units provide replaceable module surge protection
and are available with 120kA and 160kA per phase ratings, respectively.
All APC products are extensively tested according to industry standards as set by IEEE C62.41 and C62.45
for Categories A, B, and C. The connection method for these devices may require several feet of wire. Be
aware that increased lead length adversely affects clamping voltages.
Save this manual! It includes instructions regarding the product warranty and replacement parts.
Any factory or on-site testing that exceeds the normal operating voltage, such as high-potential insulation
testing or other tests where the suppression components will be subjected to voltages higher than their rated
"turn on" voltage, must be run with the suppressor disconnected from the power source. For 4-wire TVSS
devices, the neutral connection at the TVSS must also be disconnected prior to performing high-potential
testing and then reconnected upon completion of the test.
Failure to disconnect this surge suppression device and its associated suppression components during
elevated voltage testing will result in damage to the suppression components and/or other electronic