Figure 5: Shown connected to
Symmetra RM 2-6 kVA
6. Start HyperTerminal or another terminal
emulation program on the computer.
• Set the communication parameters to 8
bits, no parity, no flow control, 1 stop
bit, and 19,200 bps.
• After establishing a connection, use the
Xmodem protocol to transfer the
language program file from the CD or
your download folder to PowerView.
• When the file transfer is complete, the
PowerView will reset itself and display
the Startup screen in the new language.
7. If the file transfer fails, PowerView will reset
itself. Retry the file transfer by repeating
steps 4 and 5.
8. Quit the terminal session.
• Disconnect the programming cable and
reconnect the UPS cable to the
9. Align the tabs on the size of the PowerView
Display bezel with the slots on the front of
the UPS frame and gently snap it into place.