Appendix A Mac OS X Server Worksheet 113
Administrator’s short name A short name can contain as
many as 255 Roman characters,
typically eight or fewer. Use only
a through z, A through Z, 0
through 9, or _ (underscore).
Administrator’s password If you record this value, be sure
to keep this worksheet in a safe
place. This value is case
sensitive. It is also the password
for the root user.
Host name The name you want DNS to use
for your server.
You specify the part of the DNS
name that appears before the
domain name
or MyComputer.example.com).
The host name should begin
with a letter and contain only
letters, numbers, - (hyphen), or .
(dot). Windows clients use host
names no longer than 15 ASCII
characters; they can contain a-z,
A-Z, 0-9, -, but no . or space and
can’t contain only numbers.
Computer name The AppleTalk name.
Rendezvous name The name Mac OS X users see
when viewing the computers
listed under /Network/Local/.
Network interface data Your server has a built-in
Ethernet port and may have
additional ports installed on an
Ethernet card. Record
information for each port you
want to activate.
Use the table provided later in
this worksheet to record data for
each port.
Item Description Your information
LL2343.Book Page 113 Thursday, August 14, 2003 5:12 PM