74 Chapter 4 Using the Log and Transfer Window
File-Based Media Terminology
When you ingest file-based media using the Log and Transfer window, it’s important to
know the following concepts and definitions:
 Ingest: A general term for the process of transferring video, audio, and metadata
from one media storage system to another. Depending on the context, ingest may
mean any of the following:
 Transferring data between different computer platforms or file systems, such as
between a P2 file system and Mac OS X
 Transferring data between different storage media, such as from tape to hard disk
(also known as capturing)
 Adding media files from your local scratch disk to a nonlinear editing system to
create clips that point to the media (also called importing)
 Converting media between different container file formats, such as from MXF files
to QuickTime files
 Transcoding video and audio data to different formats, such as from AVC-Intra
1080i footage to Apple ProRes 422 codec 1080i footage
 Log and Transfer window plug-in: A software plug-in that extends the capabilities of
the Log and Transfer window to preview and ingest specific media formats.
Final Cut Pro includes default plug-ins for formats such as the Panasonic P2 format,
but additional plug-ins can be installed as manufacturers introduce new formats.
 Storage media: File-based media where your footage is recorded. Examples include
Panasonic P2 cards, Sony SxS cards, hard disks, Sony Professional Discs, and
miniDVDs. A single unit of storage media (such as a Panasonic P2 card or a Sony
Professional Disc) is generically called a storage media unit.
 Media device: A camcorder, deck, card reader, or other device capable of reading and
writing to file-based storage media. These devices can usually be connected to a Mac
computer via a USB or FireWire cable.
Note: External hard drives are considered media devices whose storage media is
permanently installed.
 Media volume: A media device or an equivalent disk image mounted on the
Mac OS X desktop. The Log and Transfer window displays only media volumes whose
file and directory structures are recognized by the installed Log and Transfer window
plug-ins. This may be called a volume for short.
 Disk image: A file that stores a representation of a media volume. You can create a
disk image of a mounted volume using the Log and Transfer window or built-in
Mac OS X utilities.