MENUS (For the Installer Menu, press and hold SELECT button for approximately 13 seconds to access this feature)
Running the Test Pool Pilot program (Diagnostic menu)
1. Press MENU.
2. “
Test Pool Pilot” is automatically displayed, then press SELECT.
3. The display will automatically toggle through the following displays (
∆ or ∇ allows manual control forward and back.
While in this feature, pressing MENU will override the remaining displays and exit back to normal operation)
• “Salt =XXXX ppm (X.x g/l)” (The optimum salt level is 3000 ppm (3.0 g/l))
“Add salt xx Lbs (xx Kg)” (The amount of salt needed to maintain 3000 ppm (3.0 g/l))
“Temperature XX
C)” (The temperature of the water flowing through the Tri-Sensor)
“Cell = XX V XX.x A” (The measured voltage and current that was sent to the SuperCell)
• “Amp-Hrs = xxxxxx” (The amount of current times hours of operation received by the SuperCell)
• “xx oz(xx ml) acid fed” (The amount of acid dispensed into the pool – when set to TCC or Acid Feed mode)
• “ORP xxx” (The user programmed ORP set point – when set to TC mode)
“pH X.x” (The user programmed pH set point – when set to TC mode)
4. The unit will automatically leave the menus and revert to normal operation.
Running the View setup program (Program and parameter menu to view the current programmed settings).
1. Press MENU, press
∆ or ∇ until “View Setup” is displayed, then press SELECT.
2. The display will automatically toggle through the following displays (or pressing
∆ or ∇ allows manual control forward
and back. While in this feature, pressing MENU will override the remaining displays and exit back to normal operation)
• “Software V X.Xx” (The version number of the Pool Pilot Digital #75003 software)
• “OpEC V X.X.X ( If installed, the version number of the PCC #75001 software)
“XXXXXXXX” (The serial number of the unit may be displayed if entered)
“Cell = xC-XX” (The cell type programmed in the Installation Menu; SC-48 is the factory setting; pg. 34)
“Power level X” (The power level being sent to the cell; 2 is the factory setting; pg. 34)
• “XX,XXX gallons( liters)” (The pool volume programmed in the Installation Menu; 15,000 is the factory setting;
pg. 34)
“Reverse = X hrs” (The reverse rate programmed in the Installation Menu: 4 hrs is the factory setting; pg. 33)
“Temp. adjust = X” (The temperature adjustment variation of the actual tri-sensor reading; pg. 34)
“Salt adjust + X %” (The salt calibration adjustment variation of the actual tri-sensor reading; pg. 33)
• “Purifier”, “pH control” or “Total control” (The System mode selected; Purifier is the factory setting; pg. 35)
• “ORP overfeed” (User programmed in the Maintenance m enu. No OR P overfee d is the factory setting. Adjustable
up to 120 minutes, in 5 minute increments; pg. 36)
• “pH overfeed” (User programmed in the Maintenance menu. No pH overfeed is the factory setting. Adjustable up
to 120 minutes, in 5 minute increments; pg. 36)
• “pH minimum”(User programmed in the Maintenance menu. 6.5 is the factory setting; pg. 36)
• “pH maximum” (User programmed in the Maintenance menu. 8.0 is the factory setting; pg. 36)
“Relay not used”, “One-speed pump”, “Two-speed pump”, or “Acid pump” (The Set Relay 1 mode selected; Relay
not used is the factory setting; pg. 34)
• “Prime Protect” “ No prime protect, 1-, 2-, 4-, 8- minutes” (User programmed setting selected to protect against
pump damage due to insufficient flow or loss of prime - when set to One speed pump mode; No prime protect is the
factory setting; pg. 33)
“Pump Program 1” (User programmed Time On / Off - when set to One speed pump mode; No program is the
factory setting; pg. 32)
• “Pump Program 2” (User programmed Time On / Off - when set to One speed pump mode; No program is the
factory setting; pg. 32)
• “Remote X”(User programmed in the Maintenance menu to identify the electronic controller system connected to;
pg. 35)
• “Freeze protect” (Will display only when set to One speed pump mode; pg. 34)
3. The unit will automatically leave the menus and revert to normal operation.