GAMES – Playing Mophun
Please verify the availability of this feature on the ARCHOS
web site.
BROWSER – Using the Browser
BROWSER – Using the Browser
The browser is used to navigate the fi le system on the AV 700. The fi le system is FAT32, the same
type of fi le system that is found on Windows
based computers. That is, it is a hierarchical system
which includes folders and subfolders. Because you will be putting hundreds of fi les on your AV 700,
it is STRONGLY ADVISED that keep a neat and orderly fi le structure. Otherwise, you will be spending
time searching for fi les and not listening or watching them. ARCHOS
recommends that you keep the
factory created folders: Data, Music, Playlists, Video, and Pictures.
The folders Music , Pictures , and Video are special folders in that the icons on the main screen lead to these
folders and then places you directly in that folder. If these folders are deleted or renamed, you will be taken to the
root level (highest level) of the directory hierarchy.