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With the Gmini
402 series, you do not need a computer to create digital
music fi les. It is capable of recording from the built-in microphone or
an analog line source (ex: HiFi system, Boombox, CD Player, etc) into a
standard Windows
WAV format, either PCM (uncompressed) or ADPCM
5.1 Cable Connections for Audio Recording
Plug the multi-connect adapter into the Gmini
402 and then plug the
included AV cable into the side marked Line-In as shown here. Connect
the Red (Right) and White (Left) connectors to the audio output of your
Hifi or other audio device that you are recording from. Do not plug the
yellow connector to anything.
To the outputs of your audio device.
MUSIC - Recording Music
5.2 Recording Procedure
Before the actual audio recording begins, there is a pre-recording screen
which will allow you to adjust your recording settings.
1. From the home screen, select Audio-
Corder then click on ENTER/GO
2. In the pre-recording screen, adjust
the recording level* by clicking on
the LEFT and RIGHT buttons. Click on
the F3 Start button to start recording.
Attention, the fi rst time recording you
should adjust your Settings.
3. Click on Settings to reveal the re-
cording parameters screen as shown
above. Be sure to set the correct
Source. You will hear silence during
recording and playback if the incorrect
source is chosen.
4. Once you have clicked on the Start
button, you can pause the recording by
clicking the same function button (now
labelled Pause), or stop the recording
by clicking on the STOP/ESC button.
* (Analog recordings only) You should try some test recordings before deciding on which
recording level gives the best sound quality. Don’t be tricked by the volume of the
headphones which can be adjusted independently with the UP and DOWN buttons.