Play Order
(no icon) Play once
Repeat playing
Shuffl e (Random) track selection
Play Mode
AV 500 is currently playing from a Playlist
Folder: Play all tracks in the current directory
All: Play all tracks on AV 500
Single: Play a single track then stop
Queue: User can queue the next track to be played *
Scan: Plays fi rst 10 – 90 seconds of each track*
* See the PlayMode section in the Settings chapter of this manual for details.
10.3 Browsing through your Music Library
10.3 Browsing through your Music Library
The ARClibrary is your AV 500’s music library. It is a system for indexing
your music by album, artist, song title, etc. When you synchronize
music fi les from your PC using Windows Media
Player to the AV 500,
the ARCLibrary will get updated to include the new songs you have
added. As shown in this screen capture, you can select your music by
Artist, Album, Song Title, Genre, or Year.
All music fi les that you purchase have internal ‘tags’ which identify
the artist, the album, and the song title. If your music fi les do not have
internal tags (ex: WAV fi le format or untagged WMA or MP3 fi les) then
the ARCLibrary will put them under the category ( Unknown ). Audio
fi les created with the AV 500 from analog sources are indexed as
Artist = (ARCHOS) and Album = ( Audio Recordings ).
You can reach the PlayMode settings screen from the Setup action
icon > PlayMode . The play mode determines how your music is
played (just the current folder of music, all music, one fi le, etc.). See
Playmode in the section Settings for a description of how each one