Button Controls
Key Symbol Action
Highlights the previous file or folder in the current directory
Highlights the next file or folder in the current directory
Gives the focus to the left pane when in double-browser or Playlist editor,
or will close the double-browser. Or, it goes to parent directory if single
window view.
Open double-browser or gives the focus to the right panel.
Folder highlighted : enters this folder.
File highlighted : start action related to the file type (ex: plays a music file)
Exit browser mode.
Displays the browser contextual menu.
Tip : while browsing in a single browser press the LEFT key to return to the parent folder.
5.3.3 File and Folder Operations in Browser Mode
While browsing the directory system, you will have the option to manipulate files and folders.
When you use the Browse mode, you will be browsing through the Gmini’s hard drive as if
browsing via computer. In Browser mode, you can create folders, delete files or folders, rename
files or folders, and copy or move files from one place to another.
File Operations Folder Operations
Contextual Menu on a File
File Info: Show file information such as song length, video length, photo size, number of
kilobytes used of hard drive space, date file was made, etc.
Rename File: Allows you to change the name of the highlighted file. You cannot change the file
extension type. You will be sent to the virtual keyboard (see the next section) to enter the new file
Delete File: Delete the file permanently from the Gmini. (Before it is deleted, the Gmini will ask
“Do you really want to delete this file? Yes/No.”
Delete all files: Permanently deletes all the files from the current folder. Before deleting the files
the Gmini will ask for confirmation.
Create Folder: Create a new folder in the current level of the directory. You will be sent to the
virtual keyboard to enter the new folder name. There is a limit of 1000 files per folder.
Contextual Menu on a Folder
Create Folder: Same as above.
Delete Folder: This will delete the folder and its entire contents. It will ask “Do you really want to
delete folder X and all files therein? Yes/No.”
Rename Folder: Same as Rename File above.
Contextual Menu while in the Double Browser
By using the unique Archos double browser system, you can copy
or move files from one location in the file structure to another
(caution: there is a limit of 1000 files per folder). While in the
Browser mode, you simply click the RIGHT button and a second
browser window will open. You can jump between the two
windows using the LEFT/RIGHT buttons. Wherever the cursor is highlighting a file or folder, that
window is the source for the copy. The destination folder will be the other window. Once you
have decided on the destination folder, move to the source browser window, highlight the file to
copy, and then click on the MENU button. You can now choose
Copy file to copy the highlighted file, Copy All Files to copy all the
files in that folder to the destination folder, or Move File to move it
to the destination folder.
Source Destination