Click the Edit button on the Main Screen to display the various editing options.
- Allows you to select a rectangular area on an image.
- Works the same as the Rectangle tool except a circle is drawn instead of a rectangle.
- Allows you to make a "freehand" selection by clicking and dragging over the image in a
desired path or shape. You can select a polygonal area by clicking on the points of the
desired shape in a connect-the-dots fashion.
- Selects an area of an image based on color similarity.
- Inverts the selection on an image. For example, if you’ve created a rectangular selection
and then used the Inverse tool, the area selected would be outside of the box instead of
Copy Selection As New Layer
- Creates a new layer out of the selected area.
Soft Edge Slider
- Gives cropped edges a warm fade based on the position of the slider.
Apply To All Layers
- Crops all layers to the selected area when checked.
- Crops the image to only show areas that have been selected.
– Allows you to enter in a new width (in pixels) for the image. If the Keep Aspect Ratio
box is checked, the Height will automatically change accordingly.
– Allows you to enter in a new height (in pixels) for the image. If the Keep Aspect Ratio
box is checked, the Width will automatically change accordingly.
– Allows you to enter in a new image size by width percentage. For example, entering
“50” would make the image _ its current width. If the Keep Aspect Ratio box is checked, the
Hscale will automatically change accordingly.
– Allows you to enter in a new image size by height percentage. For example, entering
“200” would make the image twice its current height. If the Keep Aspect Ratio box is checked,
the Wscale will automatically change accordingly.
– Finalizes any resizing that you’ve done.
- Offers various sizes for certain editing tools. The larger the brush size, the larger the
affected area when a tool is used. The Intensity slider adjusts the degree of effect
- Offers various colors for use when painting or doing other color editing. The two color
squares on the left of the Color Palette show you the active (top) and alternative (bottom)
colors. You can change the alternative color to the active color simply by clicking on it.
- Turns the mouse pointer into a paintbrush tip and applies an opaque layer of the active
color to the current layer.
- Works similar to the Paintbrush tool but draws like a felt-tip pen or marker.
- Simulates the effect of a spray can, putting a light layer of color on the active layer.
- Removes color on a layer, making it a transparent background (white).
- Duplicates a selected area of an image to another location. Right-click (PC), or Shift-click
(Mac) to select the clone source, which will be indicated by a plus (+) sign. Then click and
drag over the area of the image to be painted with the clone source.
- Simulates the effect of a finger smearing wet paint.
Editing Images