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Pre-War Argus A2B
Focus Type: 2 Position (6ft - 18ft and 18ft - Infinity)
Years Manufactured: 1939 - ~1945
Introductory Price: $12.50
Approximate Introductory Price in 2003 Dollars: $165.00
Serial Number Range: ~56215 - 244601
Shutter Type: Pre-war Ilex Precise
Lens Speed: f/4.5
Aperture Settings: f/4.5, 6.3, 9, 12.7, 18
Shutter Speeds: 1/200
sec, 1/100, 1/50, 1/25, B(ulb), T(ime)
Extinction Meter/Calculator: Yes
Flash Synch Tubes: No
Pressure Plate: Fixed
It was with the introduction of the A2 cameras that the Argus truly became easy
to use. The integral Extinction Meter allowed anybody to take decent photos under
various lighting conditions. As the Meter does not wear out with time or use, it can still
be used to take decent photographs today. The pre-war A2B shares the same black and
chrome faceplate as the A2F. With the A2 line of cameras, Argus also replaced the
Trigger with a Shutter Plunger that screwed directly into the cable release port. This was
not a cost-saving measure, but a stylistic decision. The Shutter Plunger, which must be
unscrewed to attach a cable release, was often lost or broken, and this part should be
considered when looking to purchase such a camera.