Adjustments - Cooling Section (HWC models)
No adjustments are required or should be attempted regarding any of the
components of the cooling chassis. The chassis should be checked to
see that none of the wiring is loose or missing.
The unit contains a direct-drive, multispeed blower. The proper speeds
have been preset at the factory for heating and cooling. Refer to the
wiring diagram for recommended heating/cooling speeds for specific
models. Direct-drive blower motors are permanently lubricated and do
not require oiling.
Limit Control
A fixed-temperature limit control is provided which will shut off the gas to
the main burners if the unit is overheated for any reason. The control
must not be adjusted or relocated.
High Altitude Adjustments (U.S. Installa-
Ratings shown on the rating plate are for elevations up to 2000 feet. For
elevations above 2000 feet, ratings should be reduced at a rate of 4% for
each 1000 feet above sea level. Refer to the National Fuel Gas Code
Z223.1 (latest edition) for further explanation.
High Altitude Adjustments (Canadian Instal-
High altitude conversions may be made by the manufacturer’s authorized
representative, in accordance with the requirement of the manufacturer,
provincial or territorial authorities having jurisdiction, and in accordance
with the requirements of CAN/CGA B149.1 or B149.2 Installation Code.
A high altitude conversion kit, available from the manufacturer and
approved for this purpose, must be used (see the Accessories section
beginning on page 7-15).
To adjust the regulator, turn the adjusting screw on the regulator clock-
wise to increase pressure and input or counterclockwise to decrease
pressure and input.
For natural gas installations, check the burner rate by observing the gas
meter (making sure that all other gas appliances are turned off). The test
hand on the meter should be timed for at least one revolution. Note the
number of seconds for one revolution.
Cubic Feet Per Revolution
# Seconds Per Revolution