Service Reference Manual ACCESSORIES
Wall Sleeve Installation
The wall sleeve can be installed from either the inside or the outside of
the building. In any case, proper considerations must be made for final
weather sealing of the wall sleeve and the Magic-Pak unit.
Whether installing from the inside or outside of a building, the wall sleeve
may be secured to the supporting wall through the top and side support
angles or directly through the wall sleeve side panels. When securing the
wall sleeve directly through the side panels, the top and side angle
supports are often used as “stops” to assure proper alignment before final
securing of the wall sleeve is accomplished.
The top and side support angles can be adjusted to allow the unit to
protrude through the outside of the supporting wall by 1" or 3-3/4" inches.
This will also change the depth that the unit protrudes through the inside
wall. This adjustment is designed to allow for final sealing of the wall
sleeve to various finish types.
The top and side support angles can be removed altogether and the wall
sleeve secured directly through the side panels, provided that the installer
performs a proper alignment of the wall sleeve.
The further the wall sleeve is extended past the
finished wall the more difficult it becomes to accom-
plish final sealing from the inside of the building.
Adequate safety precautions must be considered to
protect personnel.
Whether installing from the inside or the outside of the building, the wall
sleeve should extend at least 3/8" - 1" beyond the finished wall to allow for
proper weather sealing. When installing during wall construction, consid-
eration must be made to allow for final weather sealing to the type of
finish wall that will be constructed later.
Recessed Wall Sleeve Installation
In some applications, the thickness of the wall or architectural design will
dictate that the wall sleeve be recessed in the finished wall. This can be
done, but it is not recommended if the wall opening is required to be the
same size as the wall sleeve opening.
Recessed installation can be done if the wall opening is 2" larger verti-
cally than the wall sleeve. The wall sleeve may then be placed on a sill 2"
higher than the bottom of the finished wall opening.
The sill must be recessed 3/8" - 1" inside of the outer edge of the wall
sleeve. This permits weather sealing of the bottom edge without plugging
the drain holes in the bottom of the wall sleeve.
The top of the finished wall opening should extend above the top of the
wall sleeve by a dimension equal to or greater than the dimension that the
wall sleeve is recessed.