Before using review all safety and connection directions before using charger. Failure to do so can damage battery and cause serious
injury or death.
Manual Chargers Models: 9006, 9010 and 9050
All chargers come with a State of charge / Amp-meter
9006 — SELECT SETTING switch with the following selections; OFF, 6A–12V, 2A–12V and 6A–6V
9010 — SELECT SETTING switch with the following selections; OFF, 10A–12V, 2A–12V and 10A–6V
9050 — SELECT SETTING switch with the following selections; 55A START, 10A–12V, 2A–12V and 10A–6V
55A START — Use this setting for starting a vehicle with a discharged battery.
6A and 10A–12V — Use this setting for charging large 12 volt batteries such as Automobiles, boats, etc.
2A–12V — Use this setting for charging small 12 volt batteries such as lawn tractor, motorcycles, etc.
6A and 10A–6V — Use this setting for charging 6 volt batteries, monitor battery continually, since this rating does not taper.
OFF — Use this setting when battery charging is completed.
Manual Charging: (12 volt only)
This method is for a standard LEAD-ACID battery in good condition at 70°F. Never charge a frozen battery.
Always terminate charge if battery temperature exceeds 120°F.
1. Determine battery size (see chart below) round down.
2. Determine battery state of discharge (see chart below) round down if possible.
3. Connect charger to battery per instructions in sections 16, 17 and 18.
4. Plug charger into wall outlet per instructions in section 19.
5. Determine charge time (hrs) = Battery size x State of discharge x 1.2
Example: battery is 450Cca (56 AH) and 12.2V
Battery size is 4
State of discharge is .50
Time on Charge = 4 x .50 x 1.2 = 2.4 hrs
If the battery state of charge is unknown then monitor the charge current and when the current has dropped to 70% of the charger rating (for a
10A charger this would be 7A) charge for approximately 1 more hour.
For sealed batteries (valve regulated, AGM, Gel etc.) monitor the battery voltage and turn charger off when voltage reaches 14.0V. It is
important not to over-charge these batteries.
For Sulfated batteries ( this evident by a dead battery which when connected to the charger the charge current drops to 0 or a very low value)
leave battery on the charger monitoring the charge current, when the charge current starts to rise then charge as a normal battery. If the battery
is warm then lower the charge current to the lowest setting. Not all batteries can be rejuvenated.
BATTERY SIZE 34567891011
Ampere Hours 34 50 63 75 87 100 113 125 140+
CA 330 490 600 725 850 970 1080 1180 1300
Cold Cranking Amps 275 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100+
Specific Gravity 1.225 1.185 1.140 1.110
Open Circuit Voltage — 6V 6.2 6.05 5.95 5.9
Open Circuit Voltage — 12V 12.4 12.1 11.9 11.8
Automatic Chargers Models: 9014, 9060, 9070 and 9090