
Chapter 4: Motherboard information4-6
4. LSIMegaRAIDorIntelRSTeselectionjumper(3-pinRAID_SEL1)
This jumper allows you to select the PCH SATA RAID mode to use LSI
MegaRAID software or Intel
Rapid Storage Technology enterprise 3.0 RAID.
Place the jumper caps over pins 1–2 if you want to use the LSI MegaRAID
software RAID Utility (default). Otherwise, place the jumper caps to pins 2–3
to use the Intel
Rapid Storage Technology Enterprise Option ROM Utility.
5. MErmwareforcerecoverysetting(3-pinME_RCVR1)
This jumper allows you to force Intel Management Engine (ME) boot from
recovery mode when ME become corrupted.