IP Wireless Security Camera
A02-IPCAM-W54_ME01 6
appliances, wireless devices, and PCs of all form factors. Check the Enable option to enable the
function of your camera.
Click the User item in the left column to add, edit and delete users for your camera.
-User Access Control:
• Access Control: The administrator has the authority to give permission for the privilege to control
the device to users by selecting Enable or Disable. The default setting is No.
-Define Users: Use this field to add or delete users for your camera.
• Add User: Enter the user name in this box, and enter the user’s password assigned by the
administrator. The maximum password length is 8 (printable ASCII). The administrator has the
authority to give permission for the privilege to control the Upload/E-mail Video control to the
users by selecting Yes or No to activate the Upload/E-mail Video. To add a new user’s name,
enter the necessary information first and click the Add button.
• Delete User: Select the user you want to delete from the pull-down menu, and then click the
Delete button.
• User List: This list displays the current users status of your camera.
Click the DateTime item in the left column to setup time and date for your camera, providing correct
information for the remote users who might be thousands of miles away from the camera’s location.
- Date & Time: You can set up time and date manually or automatically by selecting the Synchronized
with Time Server option.
• Synchronized with Time Server: Select this option and the time will be based on GMT setting.
The time will be synchronized every 10 minutes. When selecting this option, you have to enter the
required information in the following fields: IP Address – Enter the IP Address of the Time Server
in this box. Protocol – Two options of NTP or Time are available for your selection to link with the
Time Server. The default setting is NTP. TimeZone – Select the time zone for the region from the