Toll free: 1-877-536-3976
Local: 1-408-962-0515
1. Audio volume adjustment:
“Mute”: mute audio.
“Audio Lock”: keep the last switched audio on, it will not change when another
video input is selected.
“– and +”: adjust the volume of Line audio or Mic Audio.
2. Video signal switching:
Switch between 3 platforms (DVI/HDMI, VGA and Composite Video); The selection
on each platform will also carry audio signal along, unless it’s locked.
Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bit: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bit: 1
Series Function Feedback code
600% Mute Mute ON /Mute OFF
601% Master volume + VGA 1 Volume : XX (0~60)
0602% Master volume - VGA 1 Volume : XX (0~60)
603% MIC volume + MicVolume : XX (0~60)
0604% MIC volume - MicVolume : XX (0~60)
LOCK% Keyboard Lock System Locked!/System Unlock!
01XX% Set Line volume to ‘XX’ 0~60 Line out Volume : XX (0~60)
02XX% Set MIC volume to ‘XX’ 0~60 MicVolume : XX (0~60)
Check Series:
Current video source,
Switching series,
Last video source status,
Baud rate
Source: VGA 1
232/485 DVI data:
232/485 AV data:
232/485 VGA data:
232/485 Current data:
Baud rate: 9600
0701% Switch to DVI Input # 1 Source: DVI 1
0702% Switch to DVI Input # 2 Source: DVI 2
0703% Switch to HDMI Input # 3 Source: DVI 3