Toll free: 1-877-536-3976
Local: 1-408-962-0515
RS-232 is connected through a 9-pin female D connector. The pins will have functions
associated with them, some will be unassigned.
No. Pin Function
1 ---- Not used
2 Tx Transmit
3 Rx Receive
4 ---- Not used
5 Gnd Ground
6 ---- Not used
7 ---- Not used
8 ---- Not used
9 ---- Not used
9 8 7
The command codes are very sensitive, do not change capitalization, spacing, or lettering.
System Command Feedback Function
Type (Model #) Brings up the model information
Lock Lock Locks the front panel of the Matrix switcher
Unlock Unlock Unlocks the front panel of the Matrix switcher
Version (Firmware #) Brings up the firmware version
Each command or feedback is terminated with a carriage return.
Note: If the command fails or is incorrect the feedback should be “Command FAILED”
Command Feedback Description
PWON PWON Turns power on
PWOFF PWOFF Turns power off
Statusx1 x1AVx2 Shows what input is connected to selected output
Status x1AVx1, x2AVx2,
x3AVx4, ....
Displays which inputs are currently connected to which
Save[Y] Save2 Saves settings for future use, saves vary from 0 to 9
Recall[Y] Recall2 Pulls up saved settings for the number you selected
Clear[Y] Clear2 Erases the save for the number you selected
EDIDMx1AVx2 EDIDMx1AVx2 Copies the EDID from output (x1) to Input (x2)
(output 3 to input 7 = EDIDMx3AVx2)
EDIDMInit EDIDMInit Resets EDID to factory settings
Undo Undo Cancels the previous command
Baud Rate: 9600bps Data Bit: 8bits Parity: None Stop Bit: 1bit