0 Pump overrun
After the operation of the CH, the pump has an overrun. This overrun time
is set to the value according to parameter 8 (see § 7.3; factory setting is 1
min). This setting can be changed. Also, the controller will automatically
run the pump for 10 seconds, once every 24 hours, to prevent it from
getting stuck. This activation of the pump takes place at the time of the
last heat demand 24hrs later. In order to change this time, set the room
thermostat higher for a while at the desired time.
1 Required temperature reached
The controller can temporarily block the heat demand and stop the burner.
This blocking takes place because the required temperature has been
reached. When the temperature has dropped sufficiently, the blocking is
2 Self-test
The controller regularly checks the connected sensors. During the check,
the controller does not carry out any other tasks.
3 Ventilate (Fan)
On starting, the fan is first brought to the starting speed. When the starting
speed has been reached, the burner is ignited. Code
3 is also visible
after stopping the burner, when post-purge takes place.
4 Ignite
When the fan has reached the ignition speed, the burner is ignited by
means of electric spark ignition. During ignition the code
4 appears. If
the burner is not ignited, another ignition attempt is made after about
5 seconds. If the burner has still not fired after the fourth ignition attempt,
the controller indicates a fault. See § 8.1.
5 CH operation
An on/off thermostat can be connected to the controller, if necessary in
combination with an outside sensor. See the Electrical diagram §10.1.
When heat is demanded by a thermostat signal, the fan runs (code
3 )
and the burner is ignited (code 4 ), followed by the CH operating
condition (code 5 ).
During CH operation, the fan speed and hence the power of the appliance
is adjusted. This is done in such a way, that the temperature of the CH
water is controlled towards the set CH supply temperature. In the case of
an on/off thermostat, the CH supply temperature is set at the operating
panel. In the case of an outside sensor, the CH supply temperature is
determined by the weather dependent control programmed in the
During CH operation, the demanded CH supply temperature is displayed
on the operating panel.
During CH operation, the actual CH supply temperature can be read by
pressing the service button.
Note: Instead of an on/off thermostat, an OpenTherm thermostat can be
connected to the controller as described in §5.3.1. In this case, the
desired CH temperature is set by the thermostat. The minimum