Congratulations on your purchase of an Atomic Reactor 50 112/212, a major step in
bringing vacuum tube analogue musicality to the digital world. The Reactor 50
112/212 is an extremely versatile musical instrument that provides a live
performance platform for your modeling tools and instrument processors. The
Reactor 50 112/212 is clearly different from other guitar amplifiers. What we would
like to accomplish in the following pages is to bring you up to speed on exactly how
and why we made it that way.
Product Summary
The Amplifier / Speaker
The Reactor 50 112/212 is made up of two systems: the main system which can
stand alone is an 50 watt RMS tube audio power amplifier that is joined with a very
high efficien cy 1 2” tu ned speaker system . The pow er am p lifier em ploys top grade
components like all polypropylene capacitors, a tube phase inverter (12AX7) plus
two top-grade, 6L6GC tubes to deliver full-rated power over a very wide frequency
response, flat ou t past 20 kH z at very low d istortion. It w on’t color or alter the ton e
created by a modeler, preamp, processor or effects device.
C oupled to th e R eactor’s am plifier section is A tom ics’ own, high efficiency, custom
designed, 12-inch speaker(s). The speakers is (are) mounted in a precisely tuned
birch ply cabinet. This gives the Reactor 50 112/212 a speaker system that is wide
range and smooth (no sharp peaks or ragged response). The cabinet features a
unique dual flared port and a closed back. The unique design of the speaker cabinet
coupled with the dynamic abilities of both the amp and speaker can give a level of
performance that you would expect to hear from an amp with two times the power
capabilities of the Reactor 50 112/212. More importantly, the way the amp and
speaker system have been designed, they are able restore to the input signal,
especially a digitally created model, the musical dynamics and feel that we usually
expect to hear produced by a well designed analog tube amp.
Docking System
Early in the development of the Reactor 50 112/212 we decided that in addition to
providing a world class sonic solution for taking digital amp modeling tools live, we
would also tackle that other monster inherent to all digital technology. Having seen
what happens to the value of all things digital, we designed the Reactor to be able
to easily adapt to changes in technology or modeler brand popularity. This is the
motivation behind the second part of the Reactor 50 112/212, The “D S -1” docking
system (Patent Pending). The DS-1 acts as a universal mount for many types of
modelers and preamps. The principle components in the DS-1 are the docking unit,
the docking bay and the Reactor Series Template Kits.
Combined with the appropriate template kit, the DS-1 can accommodate most
popular desktop modelers that are available today. As new modelers are developed,
we are able to make available new template kits.