
7-16 Issue 2 December 1995
NEAX 2400 Switch Administration
Under the Port heading, find the port number you assigned to the MCI link
in the "Assign a Port for the Message Center Interface Link" section. When
you find the port number, locate the index value in the Index column
across from the port number. Figure 7-9. uses an index value of 117,
showing that the MCI link was assigned port number 1.
4. Enter 1 in the DATA field. The number tells the switch that the port is a
terminal and allows two-way communication.
Assign the MCI Link to a UCD Group
You must instruct the switch that the MCI link is associated with the UCD group
you created in the previous section. If you do not perform this step, the switch
does not communicate through the MCI link.
Table 7-2. Index Assignment Values
Port Index Data
MAT Terminal
1 117 01
2 118 01
3 119 01
4 120 01
5 121 01