With the Calendar feature you can set appointments and view events.
From the home screen, select Main Menu Calendar. Press the Left Soft
Key for Options to access the following menu:
New: Create a new appointment or task reminder.
Appointment: Add an appointment.
TO DO: Add a task.
Weekly View: View the schedule for the current week.
Go to: Jump directly to a specified date on the Calendar.
Today: View the events of the current day.
Date: Enter a date and view the scheduled events of that day.
View All Events: View a chronological list of all appointments and tasks
that have been scheduled.
Delete: Delete some or all of the appointments and tasks on your phone.
Before a Special Day: Delete all appointments and tasks scheduled
prior to the date you select.
All: Delete all appointments and tasks in the phone.
Settings: Change the Default View or the first day of the week.
36 Calendar
AT&T Navigator is a location-based service that can provide GPS
navigation with turn-by-turn voice directions, full-color maps, and real-
time traffic updates. You can also search for local businesses such as gas
stations and restaurants in your immediate vicinity.
From the home screen, select Main Menu Navigator.
Read the Terms of Service and press the Left Soft Key for Accept.
You will be asked to take a brief tour.
You can select from four basic options within AT&T Navigator:
Drive To: Enter a specific destination address.
Search: Search for local businesses by name or by category.
Maps & Traffic: View a map of your immediate surroundings with
information about current traffic conditions.
Share & More: View weather conditions and set up custom commute
alerts, which will notify you of traffic conditions before you leave.
AT&T Navigator
37AT&T Navigator