In steps 1 to 3 only data for the HTL (High Threshold Level), LTL (Low Threshold
Level), or 3 dB (No Thresh-old) will he displayed or printed. In step 4 data for HTL,
LTL, and 3 dB will be printed. Step 5 dumps raw data to the Computer. Step 6 reads or
resets the Clock. Step 7 reads or stores the Calibrator level.
Sound Level Meter Keys
SOUND Sound Level in decibels. Will repeat each second until
LEVEL another key is pressed. To conserve power, press RUN,
PAUSE or any other key to exit sound level when it is
not needed.
PEAK The highest unweighted Peak Level in decibels during
LEVEL Run Time or an Event. In 30 dB range lowest peak
measurable is 78 dB; in 50 dB range the lowest measurable is 98 dB.
MAX The Maximum Level in decibels after the filter and Slow
LEVEL or Fast time constant circuit.
Dosimeter Keys
L-AVG The average integrated sound level in decibels for the
LEQ HTL (High Threshold Level), LTL (Low Threshold Level), or the equivalent level for 3
dB. It is the accumulated sound averaged during the Run Time.
DOSE The accumulated Dose in percent for HTL, LTL, or 3 dB.
TWA Time Weighted Average in decibels for HTL and LTL.
SEL It is the accumulated sound averaged over 8 hours. For
3 dB it is the Sound Exposure Level of the accumulated
sound averaged over 1 second.
Time Keys
RUN The total time the unit was running and accumulating
TIME data. If the total time is less than 30 minutes, the co-
lon will blink if the key is held down and the time shown is in minutes and seconds. If the
colon stays on, the time shown is in hours and minutes.
PAUSE The time the unit was on but not accumulating data.
TIME The colon blinks as in Run Time
U.L. The time exposure was above the Upper Limit. The
TIME colon blinks as in Run Time.
Event Keys
The event feature accumulates Lavg/Leq, Dose, TWA/SEL for 3 dosimeters, Peak Level, Max
Level, Run Time, and Start Time for up to 15 different events. Each time a key is pressed in the Event
mode, the display will show the event number and the data.
EVENT Enters Events and cycles through the Events with
data. The display shows the event number, a "CE" if it is the Current Event or else a "-E"
for a previous Event.
As an example: 12CE means 12 is the Current Event, 3-E means 3 was a previous Event.
Only previous events with data will be displayed.
RUN Starts accumulating data for the Current Event.
PAUSE Stops accumulating data and cycles to the next Event.
ON/OFF Exits the Event mode.
Procedure to Accumulate Event Data
To enter the Event mode, press EVENT. To accumulate data, press RUN. To stop, press
PAUSE/RESET. Press RUN and PAUSE/RESET again to accumulate another event. Press ON/OFF to exit
The following keys can be used to read data in the current event or in any previous event.
CODE Cycles through HTL, LTL, and 3 dB. Displays the cur-
HL3 rent time or elapsed time for the current event and
the start time for any previous event.