30. IRT ON/OFF Button
31. MUTE Button*
32. DAY / NIGHT Mode Button
33. PIX Button (Picture Select)*
34. VOLUMEDOWN (-)or UP(+)*
35. NUMBERButtons
36. DVDSource*
37. EJECT ( ) Button
Turn the Infrared Transmitter ON or OFF for IR Wireless Headphones. Pressing M1 then IRT ON/OFF will control the IR
Transmitter for M1. Pressing M2 then IRT ON/OFF will control the IR Transmitter for M2.
Press thisbutton to mute allthe audio.
Pressing thebutton againrestores thesound tothe previously setlevel.
This function isnot available in this model.
Each time this button is pressed, the on screen picture adjustment displays the “adjustment bar” for BRIGHTNESS, CONTRAST, COLOR,
TINT or RESET. Once the desired adjustment bar is displayed, use the VOLUME (+) / VOLUME (-) button to adjust the setting. The display
will automatically turnoff if no adjustmentsare madewithin 6seconds.
Press toselect thelevelof thepicture adjustmentswhen theunit isin pictureadjustment modeorto increaseor decreasethe volumefor
thewired headphones.
Allowthe usertoenternumbers 0to9for selectionofCDtracks, DVDchapters,andpassword.
This button is only active when remote control is in the DVD mode. Each time the button is pressed one of the sources (DVD and
USB) will be selected. If a USB device is not plugged in, it will remain on DVD Source. Press to change source in sequence of DVD
> USB.
This button is used to eject the disc.
This function is not available on this model. Use the eject button on the DVD player.