MaxiFix Operations Operations
Symptoms – this is where you describe how the vehicle is
Diagnostics Steps Performed/Parts Replaced – include any
previous diagnostic tests that you performed, including the
results of the tests. Also list any parts that were replaced during
previous diagnostic work.
Your Question – ask a clear and concise question that you
want to ask the community. Be sure to be descriptive and
concise when asking your question.
4. Tap the Cancel button at the right-side bottom of the page to delete
your question and return to the Your Cloud page. Or,
5. Tap the Submit button at the right-side bottom of the page to ask
your question of the community.
“Good Answer” or “Best Answer” ratings
Rating answers is one way to give back to the MaxiFix community. The
member that originally asked the question gets to select a “Good Answer” and
a “Best Answer” from all of the responses. The community member that
provided the Good Answer or Best Answer to a question is recognized for their
About Good Answers and/or Best Answers:
Only one answer can be rated “Best Answer”.
More than one answer can be rated “Good Answer”.
Only the MaxiFix community member who asked the question can rate
the answers.
Close a Question
Questions that you post to the community need to be closed once the vehicle
repair issue has been resolved. You are encouraged to document the fix, and
an important part doing so is providing information on what actually fixed the
vehicle so that other MaxiFix community members can use the information as
well. To close a question click the “Close Question” button on the right side of
your question. Your question is now converted to a MaxiFix Community Tip. As
part of closing the question, if you haven’t already, you will be asked to award
Best Answer and Good Answers ratings to reward those community members
that helped you by giving them Leaderboard points.