Maintenance and Service Service Procedures
Call 1-855-288-3587/1-855-AUTELUS (North America), or
0086-755-86147779 (China).
Contact the local distributer or agent.
Visit our website http://pro.auteltech.com or http://www.auteltech.com.
Repair Service
If it becomes necessary to return your device for repair, please download the
repair service form from http://www.auteltech.com, and fill in the form. The
following information must be included:
Contact name
Return address
Telephone number
Product name
Complete description of the problem
Proof-of-purchase for warranty repairs
Preferred method of payment for non-warranty repairs
NOTE: For non-warranty repairs, payment can be made with Visa, Master
Card, or with approved credit terms.
Send the device to your local agent, or to the below address:
Rm. 106, 107, 109, 114, SZICC Bldg.,
Chaguang Road Southside, Xili Town,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen
518055, P.R. China
Other Services
You can purchase the optional accessories directly from Autel’s authorized
tool suppliers, and/or your local distributor or agent.
Your purchase order should include the following information:
Contact information
Product or part name
Item description
Purchase quantity