MaxiFix Operations Operations
Real Fixes – presents a list of Tips that have been gathered from actual
shop repair orders and are presented in an easy to understand
Complaint, Cause, Correction format.
6.2.4 Q&A
Q&A, the fourth option on the Navigation Bar along the left side of the screen,
presents the latest updated questions and tips in MaxiFix community. There
are two tabs available to look up:
Latest Questions – displays a list of latest posted questions. Select a
question from the list to join the discussion or submit an answer to
contribute your expertise.
Latest Tips – displays a list of latest posted tips. Select a tip from the list
to find out the repair advice and tip contributed by a community member.
If you find the tip is helpful to solve your repair problem, you can give the
tip one Fixed It! point by tapping it.
6.2.5 Support
Support, the last option on the Navigation Bar along the left side of the screen,
opens a page that provides 2 ways to gain support from MaxiFix:
1. A message form to contact the administrator of MaxiFix.
2. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) link that answers the most frequent
questions we hear from MaxiFix community members.
If you wish to contact the administrator of this site please use the contact form.
Select “Support” from the Navigation Bar to open the comment window. To
allow the administrator to respond to your question or issue, the following
information should be provided:
Your name
A contact email address
A contact phone number