Issue 3 January 2008 109
Chapter 7: Installing and wiring telephone power
This section provides information and wiring examples of installation procedures for various
telephone and console power supplies. These are examples only and actual wiring procedures
may vary at each site.
Note: See Adding New Hardware for Avaya Servers and Gateways (03-300684) to
install the necessary peripheral equipment.
The power is provided to telephones or consoles either locally or centrally.
Centrally located power supplies include
● 1145B2 power supply on page 109
● 1152A1 Mid-Span Power Distribution Unit on page 119
● 1152B Mid-Span Power Distribution Units on page 123
● C360 converged stackable switches on page 128
Local power supplies include
● 1151B1 and 1151B2 Power Supplies on page 131
1145B2 power supply
The 1145B2 closet power arrangement provides an uninterruptible -48 VDC power source with
battery and 1146B2 distribution unit for ISDN/DCP, terminal equipment, adjuncts, and other
customer-supplied equipment. During AC power interruptions, batteries automatically provide
power to the load. Although this power supply is available, we recommend that you use the
1151B1 or 1151B2 power supplies.
Note: Before you begin, read this Important warning for 1145B2 power supply on
page 110.
Perform these tasks in order:
1. Mounting the 1145B2/1146B2 power supply
on page 111
2. Installing the wall-mounting plates
on page 114
3. Mounting the 1146B2 Power Distribution Unit
on page 114